Process based work made from discarded aluminium drinks cans which have been manipulated into an origami shape (the Fortune Teller). 

The making of my current body of work involves a ritualised process; the washing of the cans, the drying and then the cutting during this time the cans are reduced in size as they are flattened using very little space.  Then begins the process of folding…Those square flattened folded shapes and then transformed by pressing out the multiple shapes and assembling the new material which again consumes space.  This process could be seen as cathartic through the renewal of the life of the can albeit in another form.

Collecting of materials is an ongoing part of my work.  I am concerned with structure, surface and texture.


Angela Read Art, Sculpture made using manipulated Stella Artois cans


"Stellar" 2015

Manipulated Stella Artois cans

Angela Read Art "Totem" detai.  Sculpture made using recycled drinks cansl

Above; detail from "Totem"


Details on request

Facebook page


Angela Read Art "Three Towers" gold and blue sculpture made using origami fortune teller shape

Above and below;

"Three Towers" 2015





Three Towers view2





Angela Read Art "Totem" sculpture made using drinks cans in origami fortune teller shape


"Totem" 2015

Manipulated drinks cans






Death & Desire Series

Metamorphic Prints

Polymorphs & Cells

Solo Shows & Group Shows





Angela Read Art "Rocket" scilpture made using recycled drinks cans into origami fortune teller shape



"Rocket" 2015

Manipulated drinks cans



Current Shows

I am cuurently showing work in the following group shows:

'Broke', Minories Galleries, Colchester, Essex 8th - 29th September 2018

'Visions of Science', The Edge, Bath 15th September - 13th October 2018

North Devon Arts at South Molton Museum, South Molton, Devon 3rd October - 29th october 2018


Can construction using recylced Stella Artois cans

'Silver Helix 39', H 40 cm x W 30 cm x D 10 cm. Recycled Aluminium cans and wire